About Us


To promote social cohesion, educational innovation, active citizenship and European cooperation.  


It is our strong conviction that social progress is the result of cooperation and mutual understanding. We envision a European continent of harmonious coexistence based on the principles of equality, solidarity and freedom and therefore we strive for actions that are always built around these core values. 


In our projects, we are especially enthusiastic about ideas that revolve around the axis of education, social inclusion, mental health, digital transformation, environmental sustainability, literacy and culture. 

Who We Are

We are a young but extrovert non-profit organization, founded in 2020 in the city of Volos (Greece). Our aim is to encourage civic cooperation among the citizens of our region and to promote their active participation in the social and economic activity of their communities.
To achieve our goals, we implement activities that include workshops, seminars, awareness campaigns, publications and research.  Always interested in forging new long-term partnerships with stakeholders all over Europe, we are committed to establishing an international dimension in our activities and character, to become more innovative through the exchange of new ideas and remain up to date on socioeconomic developments. 
Our strongest asset is our personnel that combines a research background with significant experience in implementing projects funded by various EU financial frameworks. Due to our team’s past activities, we maintain a strong network of local and foreign, public and private organisation such as educational institutions, civil authorities, civic and cultural organizations, professionals’ associations and chambers.

Our Team

Meet our team of specialists! Resourceful, talented, experienced and enthusiastic, they constitute our strongest asset and they look forward to collaborating with you!


Social Inclusion

We are passionate about activities that enhance the social inclusion of vulnerable groups, promote diversity within the community and tackle discrimination, segregation and racism in all its forms. The values of democracy, equality, solidarity and multiculturalism are a cornerstone of our actions and we aim for projects that offer opportunities to individuals from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds. We strive for a world without barriers, a communal world of dialogue, understanding and mindful communication.


Mental Health

We carry out educational interventions and awareness raising campaigns with the aim to develop the individual’s pshychosocial skills, enhance mental resilience, personal responsibility, emotional management and promote quality interpersonal relationships. This is achieved by working in groups and applying methods of active learning (role playing, dialogue, etc.) that place the person into a participatory process.

Digital Tranformation

Our aim is to develop the digital skills and competences of our target groups and engage them through such tools, to produce and make innovative use of digital content throughout our activities, and to use digital technologies and methods to the greatest extent possible in all phases of our projects.

Environmental Sustainability

Awareness raising about environmental and climate-change challenges is of high importance to our initiatives. We want to develop the competences of our target groups and use green strategies that support the innovative practices related to saving resources, reducing energy use and waste, compensating carbon footprint emissions, opting for sustainable food and mobility choices and more generally to enable behavioural changes for individual preferences, consumption habits, and lifestyles.


We do believe that education nourishes both social progress and economic prosperity. Therefore, education promotes individual wellbeing as well as economic development of societies by stimulating critical thinking and innovation.

Get Involved

The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward
one goal in unison!

Work With Us

We want to grow slowly but steadily and we believe that we have a lot to learn from our fellow citizens. So if you are willing to contribute to our mission or you are simply looking for an internship opportunity related to our activities, we would be more than happy to hear from you. We always write back so don’t hesitate to send us a message! 

Become Our Partner

We are keen on having you in our Partnership Database making it easier to offer you new project opportunities by learning more about your interests and to consider you as part of our network to support our mission. Become our partner and of course, feel free to share this invitation within your networks! Already have some project idea in mind to develop jointly?

 Contact Us

Funding Opportunities

We aim to inform our partners and beneficiaries about the new funding and cooperation opportunities offered by the European Commission for the period 2021-2027, under the new Programmes. It will be our pleasure to update you with the latest news from the European Commission. Get in touch for more info!  

EU Projects

These are the projects we have participated directly in their implementation
 either as partners or as leaders.

Don't Regulate Educate Europerativa 2023-2-EL01-KA210-ADU-000181229
Environmentally Responsive Next Generation Learning to Calculate Footprints Sandiki Kaymakamligi Proje Ofisi           2023-2-TR01-KA152-YOU-18903B03
New Frontiers Europerativa 2021-1-EL01-KA122-ADU-019142
Routine for Healthy Life Associazione Travelogue 2021-1-IT02-KA210-ADU-000034004
World Wide Inclusive Website OXOt 2020-1-BE02-KA227-ADU-083110
Our News
Contact Us

We are always on the lookout for new collaborations and ideas. So whether you have a question about our actions and direction or you are interested in partnering up with us we will be more than happy to get back to you. Don’t hesitate and drop us a line!

Let's Connect


Adiopis 9 str., 385 00  Volos, Greece

phone numberS

+30 (698) 3519 027
+30 (694) 5554 605


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Non Profit - Private (AMKE)


Center for the Promotion of European
Cooperation and Integration

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